President’s Corner September 2022
Happy New Year - new school year, anyway! I know most of you are finishing up your first week of school and I know how exhausted you are. But no matter the challenges and frustration we face in this first week, there is always excitement in the air. I hope you find that the excitement outweighs the frustration and exhaustion, and wish everyone a great start to the school year!
Speaking of excitement, I am SOOOO excited for our upcoming conference! Have you registered yet? Because #NCSLMA22 “We Are Not Alone in the Library” is right around the corner and it is going to be fantastic - AND IN PERSON! While connecting virtually is great, nothing beats the networking opportunities at a face-to-face conference. Visit the 2022 conference website for more information and to register for the October 6-8 event. And a final reminder about last year’s conference - if you “attended” the 2021 virtual conference, you have until the end of September to access that content.
As our summer break comes to an end (although it definitely still feels like summer out there on carpool duty each afternoon!), I want to give a shoutout to NCSLMA Advancement Chair Faith Huff for coordinating the 2022 Summer Learning Series, and thanks to the Leadership Academy participants and other presenters who shared their knowledge and expertise through these sessions.
Thank you to those who have submitted nominations for our elected positions! As Cindy said in her recent email blast, it is a lot of work but so rewarding in the relationships we build while striving to better our profession and ourselves. Members, be sure to cast your vote during the election window.
Have a great school year, and please continue to take time to practice self-care and collective care, as mentioned in the July issue of the newsletter.
-Jenny Umbarger, NCSLMA President