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I am an island

13 Dec 2021 3:05 PM | Anonymous

Many of us, well, I venture to say most of us, are the only librarian in our school. Many districts even did away with library paraprofessionals. I always joke that my job is "other". I am a teacher, yes. But I'm also the manager of the library space and calendar, the buyer of books, the destroyer of souls. Wait. Too far. I've been reading too many fantasy books. ;-)

It's so important that we find people to connect with. It's not only for the need to commiserate with others who understand, but also to have work friends outside of work. Being active in your region is a great start to connecting. In Region 4, we started an unofficial group on Facebook and now there are several of us who meet every month on a Saturday for coffee and now we're adding a monthly dinner. This "Coffee and Camaraderie" as we've dubbed it has grown into real friendships. We have each other's phone numbers. We share resources. We are our Librarian Gang. 

I don't know about y'all, but I have found it harder to make and keep friends as an adult. What better way to solidify friendships than to find others who share in the joys and frustrations of the same career? Each region in NC has an elected director. Reach out to that person and see what opportunities there are to meet and hang out with other librarians in your area. And if you prefer virtual, there's always the NCSLMA Brew Crew. We meet the second Saturday of each month. Watch for the e-mail to sign up for our next one. You can also join the NCSLMA School Librarian Facebook Group. *make sure you answer all the membership questions* It's a private group just for NCSLMA members. 

It is lonely sometimes. We're all in the same boat and we're all islands. I'm sure there's an extended metaphor there about water and keeping our heads above it.... Who better to understand that loneliness than fellow librarians? We're here for each other and together, we are stronger and better. 


NCSLMA is a professional organization dedicated to supporting, promoting, and empowering school librarians across the state as they transform their school communities.


Membership is $50 per year and comes with numerous benefits and professional development opportunities. 
Join or learn more here. 


Mailing address:
3333 N. Main Street
Suite 150 #126
Hope Mills, NC 28348

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NCSLMA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (2025 W9)

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