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Robin Rhodes,

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*Please note that some website pages are visible only to members who registered for the Winter Tune-Up. For full access to the website and many other member benefits, click here

2022 Winter Tune Up


Click here to register

Thank you for attending our Winter Tune-Up Mini-Conference!  How will it work?

Expert presenters from across the state are offering a mix of pre-recorded and live sessions.

Pre-recorded sessions will be released each day during the week of February 14-18. Click on the Day/Date listed below any time after 8:00 am to access the sessions scheduled. Each presenter will provide virtual access to email, social media, or presentations to answer any questions you have about the information they share in their videos. Presentations are for NCSLMA members who registered for the Winter Tune-Up event. We encourage you to watch each session as many times as you'd like whenever it fits into your schedule, and to contact the presenters with any questions you have, but please do not share the links. The recordings will be available through March 31, 2022. 

Live sessions will take place on the Day/Date/Time listed below. Presenters are excited to meet with you to share their expertise.

Attendance Certificate:  The Certificate of Attendance for the 2022 Winter Tune-Up is located on the Information Page linked at the top of this page.  The link will become active at noon on Friday, February 18. You will need to make a copy of the form, complete it, and submit to your district, school, or charter organization for renewal credit. Participants are responsible for determining the number of hours to submit. Feel free to enjoy all sessions, including a session to be led by your Regional Director, on the dates listed below.  Note that these important regional sessions are live, so schedule accordingly.

Link to Certificate of Attendance


Monday, February 14, 2022

 Session  Presenter  Title and Description
 Jenny Umbarger

Robin Rhodes

 Welcome and Information

Join NCSLMA President Jenny Umbarger and Lead Regional Director Robin Rhodes as they provide important NCSLMA updates for members, as well as information about the Winter Tune-Up. 

 One - Pre-recorded

 Amy Ralph

 Using Canva to Create Newsletters 

Amy knows that newsletters are an important part of a school librarian’s job because it helps communicate with all the stakeholders in your school community. How do you start, what program do you use, and what types of information do you include? Creating a well designed newsletter can be very time consuming, so the program you use should be easy. This webinar will teach you step by step how to create a newsletter to share with your community. It will also give suggestions of topics to include, and real newsletters to model the end results. If you would like your community to be more informed about your school library this webinar is for you.

Two- Pre-Recorded Elizabeth Joyce

NCCAT Online 

The mission of the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) is to "advance teaching as an art and a profession'.  If you've ever talked with a teacher who has attended one of the  seminars offered at NCCAT, you know that it can be a life-changing event.  Did you also know that NCCAT offers online activities and that media coordinators can apply to take part in the seminars?  Elizabeth Joyce, Senior Digital Learning Specialist, will tell you everything you need to know about NCCAT Online, with specific information for school librarians.

Please note that Fun With Fibonacci and Fractals has been cancelled.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Click here to access sessions after 8am on 2/15/22.

 Session Presenter  Title and Description
 One - Pre-recorded  Katie Moose

Where in the World - Exploring Google Mind Maps 

In this session, Katie Moose will help participants learn more about Google My Maps - what it is, how it works and how you can apply it to student learning in a variety of subject areas. Steps to create your own, example lessons and integration suggestions will be provided!

  Two - Live at 4:00pm  Kathy Parker

Everything Media Chat 

Join Kathy Parker's live chat session to gather with other SLMCs and discuss topics of interest. This chat will be an opportunity for participants to engage in open dialogue while networking with and learning from each other. Bring your ideas and/or challenges and connect with other SLMCs from across the state for mutual support.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Click here to access sessions after 8am on 2/16/22.

 Session Presenter Title and Description
 One - Pre-recorded  Lori Munroe

What is the role of the secondary Media Specialist in a 1:1 tech world?

Lori says, "As a secondary Media Specialist, much of my time in previous years was spent collaborating around the use of technology,  Now that our students are 1:1, why should teachers collaborate with the Media Specialist?  In the throws of an existential crisis, I found professional development that has helped provide me a clearer vision of where I am headed.  I will talk about NCCAT, Science House, and other resources I've used to establish relationships with more teachers in the building".

 Two - Pre-Recorded  Ashley Kerns

You mean I can set up a STEM Lab/Specials? (with a limited budget and time) 

Ashley is ready to show you everything you need to know to set up a STEM lab/Specials. You will learn about different scheduling options, top STEM tools, organizing the resources, and most importantly the impact a STEM lab can provide for your students. 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Click here to access videos from the live sessions on 2/17/22.


Presenter  Title and Description
 One - Live at 4:00pm  Sarah Justice

How a Dream Becomes a Reality - The Magic Book Bus

Have you ever had one of those dreams that seemed so out there that you never thought you could achieve it?  I had one, but somehow, all the stars aligned and made some magic happen.  This is the story of how a hopeless grant application turned into a library on wheels for a rural community. 

 Two - Live at 7:00pm  Missy Perritt

 Saying No to Yes

Our days are full of small tasks and little "asks" that make the job interesting. These tasks can easily build up and overwhelm our time.  Discover why you say "yes" and the consequences. Create strategies for setting limits, expectations, and goals that will help you to become more productive and fulfilled in your work through this interactive session. 

Friday, February 18, 2022

Click here to access the recorded session after 8am on 2/18/22.

 Session  Presenter  Title 
Pre-recorded Dr. April Dawkins

 Book Challenges and You

Have you been seeing some of the challenges to school library books across the country and our state that have been popping up in social media and the news? You're not alone. At some point in every school librarian's career, you will most likely face questions about the content of your collection or your inclusion of books on reading lists. On Tuesday, November 16, 2021, NCSLMA members joined NCSLMA Intellectual Freedom Committee chair, Dr. April Dawkins, for a free, live webinar that provided practical tips and resources for defending your students' right to read. If you were unable to attend, or just want to review, be sure to take a look at this important information for all librarians.


Live Regional Sessions


Mountains Region with Vickie Blankenship:  Monday, February 21 at 3:30 pm.

Google Meet Link: 

Coastal Region with Sara Levin:  Monday, Feb. 28th at 7:00 pm. 

Special Guest - Lauren Boucher (NCDPI Digital Teaching and Learning Consultant for Southeast Region)

Google Meet Link:

Piedmont East Region with Lori Munroe:  Thursday, March 3 at 6:00 pm.

Google Meet Link: 


Piedmont West Region with Amy Ralph:  Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 1:30 pm

Google Meet Link: 


NCSLMA is a professional organization dedicated to supporting, promoting, and empowering school librarians across the state as they transform their school communities.


Membership is $50 per year and comes with numerous benefits and professional development opportunities. 
Join or learn more here. 


Mailing address:
3333 N. Main Street
Suite 150 #126
Hope Mills, NC 28348

Meet the Board


We provide various ways to connect with librarians across the state. 
Connect here or via social media.

NCSLMA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (2025 W9)

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