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Lori Munroe,



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Certificate of Attendance 

Registrants - check your email for the meet links

Thank you for attending our Winter Tune-Up Mini-Conference!  How will it work?

Expert presenters from across the state are offering live sessions Sunday, Feb. 25th through Friday March 1.

Pre-recorded sessions will be released Sunday after the live kick off. 

1. Click on the link next to the pre-recorded session to access the session. 

Each presenter will provide virtual access to email, social media, or presentations to answer any questions you have about the information they share in their videos. Presentations are for NCSLMA members who registered for the Winter Tune-Up event. We encourage you to watch each session as many times as you'd like whenever it fits into your schedule, and to contact the presenters with any questions you have, but please do not share the links. The recordings will be available through March 31, 2025. 

Live sessions will take place on the Day/Date/Time listed. Presenters are excited to meet with you to share their expertise and answer your questions in real time. All live sessions will be recorded and you can watch and rewatch as many times as you like. 

Attendance Certificate:  The Certificate of Attendance for the 2024 Winter Tune-Up is located the top of this page.  The link will become active on Friday, March 1. You will need to make a copy of the form, complete it, and submit to your district, school, or charter organization for renewal credit. Participants are responsible for determining the number of hours to submit.

Pre- Recorded Sessions 

(links will be live after the opening session)

 Presenter  Session Title  Session Description


Marrissa Sherman Deziel

Easy AI Tools for Educators


Check out the newest teacher friendly AI tools available for free.

Target Audience:  All


Live Sessions 

 Date/Time   Presenter   Title and Description
Sunday  @ 6pm

NCSLMA President Kristy Sartain, Kathy Parker- NCDPI and Regional Directors 

Opening Session

Sunday, February 25 ยท 6:00 – 7:00pm

Opening Session

NCSLMA President Kristy Sartain will open the session with updates from the NCSLMA board, and Kathy Parker from NCDPI will provide updates at the state level.   Then we will go into breakout sessions with the Regional Directors.  

Target Audience:  All 


@  6pm

Joanna Pendleton


Unions and Libraries: Why We Need Each Other More Than Ever

As the president of the Guilford County Association of Educators (a local affiliate of NCAE), I can speak to why being a union member is important to me, particularly as a librarian. Union membership and participation is the path to making the changes we need to our public schools. The union is democratically governed by union members who are working together to defend and transform our schools. We know that we are facing attacks on our schools from privatizers, and specifically, attacks on our students' freedom to learn in the form of book bans and restrictive legislation. The only way to fight is together. Participants will walk away with information about the work of our union and benefits of joining the union.

Target Audience:  All 

Monday @ 7pm 

Colleen Graham

 How to Craft a Winning Conference Proposal: Tips and Tricks from Successful Presenters

In this session, you will learn how to craft a winning conference proposal by following a step-by-step guide that covers the introduction, objectives, content, format, and conclusion of your proposal. You will also discover tips and tricks from successful presenters, and how to communicate your topic, content, and audience effectively.

Target Audience:  All

Slide Deck

Tuesday @ 6pm 

Madelyn Hughes and Tiffany Ramey

Classroom Management for Elementary Media Coordinators

This presentation is geared to elementary media coordinators, especially those who are new to the role, to present an overview of some of the opportunities and challenges of classroom management in the media center. Participants will see concrete examples of presenter’s own classroom management pain points and solutions as well as have the opportunity to collaboratively troubleshoot solutions to their own classroom management concerns.

Target Audience:  Elementary 

Tuesday @ 7pm  

Heidi Barber

Crafting an Impact Dashboard to Showcase Your Stats

Join this make-and-take session to create an Impact Dashboard focused on promoting positive messaging and goal setting in any school community. By the end of the session, participants will understand the how and why of creating an impact dashboard for their media center. They will have created a Google Form to easily collect data and will have set up a dashboard using Google Sheets and Google's Looker Studio. Participants will receive Canva templates they can customize to fit their individual setting's needs. Participants will leave with background knowledge and artifacts to immediately implement in their schools!

Target Audience:  All

Tuesday @ 7pm   

Ashley Greene

Library for Little Learners

 I will describe library programming ideas that work in my school with my preschool classes, as well as my classes with exceptional students. I will review favorite book titles, favorite reading apps, and short, hands-on activities that my students respond well to.

Target Audience:   Media Specialists who work with preschool aged students. (The lessons and ideas also work for kindergarten and first grade students and students with exceptional disabilities.)

 Wednesday @ 6pm 

Jessica Reid

Fun Ways to Increase Circulation

Join us as we explore ways to get students excited about checking out books. We will discuss fun ways to capture students' interests, such as book box subscriptions, reading challenges, student recognition and more.

Target Audience:  All school librarians who are looking for ways to increase circulation.

 Wednesday@ 6pm 

Clarisa Arguello 

Refresh Your New Year with the State Library of North Carolina’s Resources

Refresh your knowledge of the State Library of North Carolina’s resources for educators and students.

In this session participants will get a refreshed look at the free online resources and collections of reliable virtual information about North Carolina available through the State Library of North Carolina.

Target Audience:  All

 Wednesday @ 7pm 

Angie Headley

Libraries For ALL: How to Analyze Your Space for Inclusivity

Standard 2 of the NC SLMC evaluation states: SLMCs build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population of students. AND, creating a welcoming, accessible space for ALL is just the right thing to do! This presentation will dive into all aspects of an inclusive learning space and will share information about breaking your library into different areas that you can analyze for inclusivity. Examples of inclusive spaces and a simple framework for analyzing your space will be shared.

Target Audience:  All

 Thursday @6 pm

Jenni Clark

How to Make Your Media Center Awesome

Are you struggling to make your media center awesome? This session will be geared for librarians at all levels. Topics to be discussed include making it welcoming, how to crowd source, making it all about the kids, providing opportunities to collaborate and be creative, using the space to bring people together, shaking things up, having contests, promoting media, and the importance of networking!

Target Audience:  All 

Thursday @ 7pm  

Ashley McVey

Makerspace and Reading Centers in the Library

The presentation will focus on how I use centers as part of my library programs. I will share all the resources I use. Participants will walk away with lots of ready to use ideas.

Target Audience:  Elementary

 Friday @ 6pm 

Chris Tuttell and Angie Headley

Building a Legacy of Literacy: Libraries+Families+Community

Join us for a dynamic session on forging a literacy legacy! Explore innovative strategies to unite elementary, middle, and high school librarians with families and communities in fostering a love for reading. Discover practical ideas for seamless connections between educators, parents, and local resources. From interactive programs to collaborative initiatives, gain insights to empower lifelong readers. Participants will leave with actionable ideas and resources they can implement tomorrow, ensuring immediate impact in their schools and communities.

Target Audience:  All 

 Friday @ 7pm

Brew Crew

Winter Tune Up wrap up addition 

Winter Tune Up Wrap Up 

Come on in and to talk over what you learned and what you are going to do with it! 

Target Audience:  All


NCSLMA is a professional organization dedicated to supporting, promoting, and empowering school librarians across the state as they transform their school communities.


Membership is $50 per year and comes with numerous benefits and professional development opportunities. 
Join or learn more here. 


Mailing address:
3333 N. Main Street
Suite 150 #126
Hope Mills, NC 28348

Meet the Board


We provide various ways to connect with librarians across the state. 
Connect here or via social media.

NCSLMA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (2025 W9)

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