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Resource Repository


Tammy Hancock, Committee Chair

Resource Forums

Image of gears and a lightbulb with a hand drawing and Teaching Resources overlaid

The Teaching Resources forum has resources curated by librarians across the state. Here, you will find a mix of levels and subjects so you can discover what is available for librarians in NC. Resources are free at the time they are added.


Image of children looking at a globe with the words Elementary Lesson Plans overlaid

Image of middle school students gathered around a table in the library with the words Middle School Lesson Plans overlaying
Image of teacher looking over two students work with words High School Lesson Plans overlaying

Disclaimer and other information

As members, you can visit each Forum (linked above and to the left) and view and use lesson plans and resources that our fellow librarians across the state have created or curated. Feel free to share lesson plans you have created. All lesson plans submitted must be your intellectual property and therefore, able to be shared legally. No TPT Resources, please. All resources are considered shared via CC BY-NC 4.0, which means they can be adapted and shared, but you must give attribution and you are not allowed to use them commercially. Please see

for more details. If you would like to add further restrictions on your lesson plan, you are free to do so.

To search for resources or lesson plans, use the Search button. The search function allows you to search the entire website and the forums. 

When adding a lesson plan or resource, make sure you add the intended level (elementary, middle, high, PD), any keywords that would help your fellow librarians find your lesson plan, all applicable standards (ISTE, DLC, subject-specific, etc.) and either upload a PDF or copy and paste the entire lesson into the text box. Please make sure all links work and Google Drive links are shared with anyone who opens the link. The Resources Repository Committee reserves the right to add missing keywords to aid in the search of lesson plans. 



NCSLMA is a professional organization dedicated to supporting, promoting, and empowering school librarians across the state as they transform their school communities.


Membership is $50 per year and comes with numerous benefits and professional development opportunities. 
Join or learn more here. 


Mailing address:
3333 N. Main Street
Suite 150 #126
Hope Mills, NC 28348

Meet the Board


We provide various ways to connect with librarians across the state. 
Connect here or via social media.

NCSLMA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (2025 W9)

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