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  • 28 Jun 2021 10:05 AM | Anonymous

    Join us for the 2021 Summer Learning Series, hosted by members of the 2021 Leadership Academy. 

    Register at or look for the SLS link under Events on the home page. 

  • 25 Jun 2021 10:34 PM | Anonymous

    Early Bird conference registration is now open for #NCSLMA21! We are excited to come together to Reflect, Refocus, Reconnect, & Rejuvenate Oct. 7-9 in Winston-Salem. Visit the conference website for more info and to register

  • 22 May 2021 8:51 AM | Anonymous

    Join us for a live chat with Kathy Parker on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 from 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM.  

    This event will be via Google Meet.  Registrants will receive the link in their registration confirmation email.

    Please contact Brene Duggins,,  with any questions. 

    Register HERE

  • 3 Apr 2021 10:15 AM | Anonymous

    The 2021 NCSLMA Conference is only half a year away! We are excited for the opportunity to Reflect, Refocus, Reconnect, and Rejuvenate as we come back together at the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem for our Oct. 7-9 conference.

    The call to present is now open on the Events section of the NCSLMA website and we are accepting applications for 45-minute concurrent sessions and 90-minute mini-workshops. Mini-workshops might include hands-on, interactive, and/or tech-based sessions. The call to present closes on Friday, May 14.

    The conference website is now live and will be updated regularly with additional information as it becomes available.

  • 3 Apr 2021 9:52 AM | Anonymous

    Our state is participating in the federally funded grant project called SLIDE: The School Librarian Investigationā€”Decline or Evolution? ( The three-year project is examining national data on school librarian employment and how school leaders make the decisions to staff library, learning resources, and instructional technology services for their K-12 students. As a component of the study, a content analysis of school library-related job descriptions and job titles will be conducted to learn if and how roles are changing or morphing with other positions. Keith Curry Lance, RSL Research Group, and Deb Kachel, Antioch University Seattle, the project leaders, are asking for job descriptions or job announcements that are:

    ļ‚· Professional positions related to library, learning resources, and instructional technology for K- 12 students

    ļ‚· Recent or currently in use for school librarians or related positions that may include some or all of the work of a librarian

    ļ‚· Full-time or part-time; may be district or school-level positions

    ļ‚· Must include the name of the school district, city, and state on the job description or announcement

    The project is accepting all related job descriptions with various titles. Some examples

    of related job titles include:

    ļ‚· Coordinator of information literacy

    ļ‚· Digital literacy teacher

    ļ‚· Educational technology-information literacy specialist

    ļ‚· Information skills and technology teacher

    ļ‚· Learning coach/librarian

    ļ‚· Learning resources specialist

    ļ‚· Library-technology educator

    ļ‚· Teacher librarian-technology coach

    ļ‚· Instructional technology facilitator

    Thank you for supporting this important research.

  • 2 Apr 2021 9:53 AM | Anonymous

    Vote today for the NCYA and NCMiddle Book Awards.

  • 15 Mar 2021 8:18 AM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to our new

    President-Elect - Jen Abel

    Piedmont West Director - Amy Ralph

    Coastal Director - Sara Levin

    Vote now in the 2021 NCSLMA Elections. Click HERE and read the bios of the candidates, then click the Election Link at the top of the page to submit your vote. Voting is open only to registered NCSLMA members. 

  • 3 Feb 2021 9:41 AM | Anonymous

    Keith Curry Lance and Debra E Kachel are proud to announce the launch of the website. The State Intermediary Survey reports are finished as well and posted on the STATE SURVEYS webpage. Keith and Debra want to thank all of you who participated and provided data for these reports. It is our hope that you find the information useful to promote school library programs in your states and would love to hear how you plan to use the information.

    Additionally, please follow our Twitter so you can learn of our latest updates, publications, and conference presentations. @libĀ­_slide

    Watch the recorded ALA Midwinter Conference session from January 23, 2021, as Keith and Deb present the background of the SLIDE project, its methodology, and some preliminary findings.


    Contexts of School Librarian Employment (2021, January 26).

    This report summarizes responses to nine questions asked of school library leaders in all 50 states and the District of Columbia (D.C.) to determine state support of school library programs. Questions address standards and guidelines, certification and staffing requirements, and direct funding and provision of statewide e-resources.

    Appendix to Contexts of School Librarian Employment (2021, January 26).

    This document is the Survey Monkey report of individual state responses to the State Intermediary Survey. These are the data on which the Contexts report is based. The responses appear in the order received; but, a table of contents page lists states alphabetically and indicates the pages on which their responses appear.

    Requirements for School Librarian Employment: A State-by-State Summary (2021, January 27).

    This report summarizes legal requirements for school librarian staffing in the 50 states and D.C.

  • 28 Jan 2021 11:23 AM | Anonymous

    NCSLMA's first Winter Tune-Up mini-conference is coming!  Join us to recharge your battery and add new tools to your educator toolbox.  We're excited to offer pre-recorded virtual sessions with expert presenters for NCSLMA members beginning at 8:00 am daily, the week of February 22-26. Sessions will last a maximum of one hour, with presenters taking questions via social media platforms- check out details on the Winter Tune-Up Infographic. Each NCSLMA Regional Director will lead a live session after the Tune-Up Week to provide members an opportunity to meet and greet friends and share ideas, concerns, and suggestions. Directors will share links to their sessions with members in their regions. Certificates of Attendance for the Winter Tune-Up and regional sessions will be provided for attendees to submit to their LEAs for renewal credit. Depending on your participation, there are 6 contact hours available. Remember to REGISTER. It's FREE!  Session topics were chosen based on the highest number of votes by NCSLMA members from a poll conducted last fall. Questions? Email

    Register here for the sessions. 


NCSLMA is a professional organization dedicated to supporting, promoting, and empowering school librarians across the state as they transform their school communities.


Membership is $50 per year and comes with numerous benefits and professional development opportunities. 
Join or learn more here. 


Mailing address:
3333 N. Main Street
Suite 150 #126
Hope Mills, NC 28348

Meet the Board


We provide various ways to connect with librarians across the state. 
Connect here or via social media.

NCSLMA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (2025 W9)

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