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  • 19 Jan 2021 11:13 AM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to the following NCSLMA members who have been chosen to participate in the 2021 Leadership Academy! The 2020 Leadership Academy is excited to guide you through this experience and we can't wait to get started!

  • 11 Jan 2021 11:03 AM | Anonymous

    NCSLMA joined AASL and shared a letter to the Biden transition team stressing how school librarians are an equity-oriented solution to some of the most pressing concerns facing educators at this moment. The letter was co-signed by ALA, the AASL Chapters Coordinating Team, and AASL Chapters. This strong support voiced for the necessity of qualified school librarians is a direct result of your affiliation and membership with AASL.

  • 29 Oct 2020 2:29 PM | Anonymous

    Great news! NCSLMA has extended the due date for BOB Compliance Forms! The new deadline is November 30, 2020. Remember in order to submit your BOB Compliance Form, your NCSLMA membership must be up-to-date. 

  • 18 Oct 2020 2:26 PM | Anonymous

    NCSLMA Leadership Academy is currently taking applications for our 2021 cohort and we’d love to have you join us!

    What is the Leadership Academy?  

    It’s a group of Library/Media up-and-comers with an interest in leading, whether in their schools, districts, or even in NCSLMA. We meet online once a month to discuss different topics, share ideas and opinions, and learn from each other. You will also be encouraged to get to know one another and build relationships as a PLC that you turn to when you have questions or need ideas.

    Guests such as Board Members or authors are sometimes invited in to meet the group, join our discussions, and share their expertise.

    How much of my time will it take?

    The Leadership Academy does require a 2-year commitment. The first year is spent participating in the group discussions and in the second year you help facilitate these chats. Because you are striving to improve your leadership skills, you are also encouraged to participate in NCSLMA activities, like presenting at the Summer Learning Series or the Annual Conference.

    It may sound like a lot, but it really boils down to little more than a few hours or so a month, and the time invested is generously rewarded with new friends and opportunities for personal and professional growth. You get out of it what you put into it.

    Who can apply? 

    Anyone with an interest in improving their leadership skills, developing relationships with like-minded people, and who would care to learn more about how they can become more active within NCSLMA. We do hope you have your MLS degree and have completed 2 years in a library setting, as we are looking for those who are ready to take their experience further.

    How do I apply?

    Just go to and click the “Register” button to access the application.

    We are accepting applications through the end of October, and our newest members will be notified in December.

    Please know that we request your current resume along with a recommendation by an administrator or a peer -- someone who knows you and is ready to tell us how awesome you are!  Just send them this Recommendation Form.

  • 18 Oct 2020 2:21 PM | Anonymous

    Check out Bitsy Griffin's article "Behind the Scenes at NC's State Conference" posted on the Knowledge Quest website. 

    Click HERE to view the article. 

    I know I enjoyed the virtual aspect, especially the live sessions where we could connect with others. I also love that we can view all the sessions at our convenience through the end of September. What were your thoughts about the conference? Leave comments below!

  • 10 Oct 2020 6:56 PM | Anonymous

    Make sure you complete the BOB Compliance Form online no later than November 1, 2020. 

    Click here to fill out the form online. You must be logged into your NCSLMA account to fill it out.

    BOB Contact information:

    BOB Levels:  Please register for each level you wish to compete in

    • Elementary - 4 and 5
    • Middle - 6, 7, 8
    • High - 9, 10, 11, 12
    • K-6 - Elementary List - 4 and 5, Middle List - 6th grade only

    Other Information:

    • The head coach 
      • should be the person filling out this form, and
      • must be a member of NCSLMA. Join here  
    • The deadline for the compliance form is November 1, 2020.

  • 6 Oct 2020 9:57 AM | Anonymous

    Bridging the Digital Divide: Library Communities Respond

    Friday, October 23 • 9 am-4 pm

    Online Mini Conference

    Sponsored by the College & University Section of NCLA

    This is a mini conference designed to share ideas and initiatives for bridging the digital divide across library types and communities in response to the increased need for access to the internet and usable electronic devices during COVID-19. Presentations will address such topics as digital equity, tips for partnering with non-profits, virtual programming strategies, shifting collection development and technology needs, and other issues related to ensuring that library users in academic, public, and school libraries are able to effectively access online resources and services. The keynote speech will be provided by Rob Ross, Executive Director of NC LIVE.

    I will be facilitating a round table discussion regarding school and public library partnerships and the digital divide.

    NCLA members are free. Non-members cost $10.

    Non-members who are presenters at the conference are free.

    Register here:

  • 13 Apr 2020 1:28 PM | Anonymous

    Governor Roy Cooper declared April School Library Month in North Carolina! Our Advocacy and Governance Committee created a Smore of Virtual Activities you can use and share to celebrate. 

  • 14 Feb 2020 9:58 AM | Anonymous

    I hope you have marked your calendars for our annual fall conference, September 24-26, 2020, at the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem, NC. 

    I am excited to share with you the link for the Call to Present for our 2020 Annual Conference. We are currently accepting applications for concurrent sessions (50 minutes) and concurrent workshops (3 hours). The Call for Proposals will close on March 31, 2020. 

    The conference website is now live and will be added to and updated periodically until conference. 

    I can't wait to connect and learn with you! Have a great week!

    Cindy Sturdivant, 2020 Conference Chair

  • 11 Apr 2019 2:57 PM | Anonymous

    The State Board of Education (SBE) and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) are committed to providing personalized digital-age education that K-12 students need to be successful in college, careers, and as globally engaged productive citizens. Revising the NC Information and Technology Essential Standards (ITES) for students is an important part of this work. These standards are critical building blocks for the education of our students. ITES represent the "must have" information and technology skills and knowledge that each student must have in order to achieve success at the next level. The standards are designed to be delivered by classroom teachers in all curricular areas and grade levels.

    As part of the NC Standards Review, Revision and Implementation process, the NC Department of Public Instruction is seeking your input on adopting the International Society for Technology in Education - Student Standards (ISTE-S). We recommend spending some time reviewing the ISTE-S prior to completing the survey. We anticipate the survey to take approximately 5 minutes. The survey may be accessed via:

    Please share this with staff in your district. Thank you in advance for taking the time to contribute to this process.


NCSLMA is a professional organization dedicated to supporting, promoting, and empowering school librarians across the state as they transform their school communities.


Membership is $50 per year and comes with numerous benefits and professional development opportunities. 
Join or learn more here. 


Mailing address:
3333 N. Main Street
Suite 150 #126
Hope Mills, NC 28348

Meet the Board


We provide various ways to connect with librarians across the state. 
Connect here or via social media.

NCSLMA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (2025 W9)

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